With all the donations we've been getting lately (it's amazing...checks everyday!), we headed to Build-A-Bear to make some bears. This time we decided to do some of the more-expensive bears, so we were able to get 8 bears (and kittens). They are so very cute! We bought them the same outfit, surgical scrubs. We went to Fox Valley mall this time instead of Woodfield, and it was worth the extra 45 minute drive. Jennie was our helper and she was AMAZING! She instantly fell in love with Jack and his story. They chatted the whole time and by the end she had tears in her eyes. She just loved what he's doing so much that she donated a bear and an outfit to Little Hands Make A Big Difference! We loved her so much, we decided from here on out we will just call the BAB in Fox Valley and go at a time when she is there.
Tomorrow is our big donation day! We had to Rockford Memorial Hospital to donate 20 bears!!! We wrote a little letter to stick inside the bear houses wishing the recipient get-well-soon wishes. I'll be sure to bring my camera and post pictures.
We're currently working on getting some paperwork done in order to get 501 (c) status. This will make us a "real" charity recognized by the state of Illinois. It's a lot of paperwork and legal-speak for me to comb through, but so far I'm understanding it! Wish us luck, how exciting!!!